Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

The Ease and Amusement of Everything! Guest Kass Thomas



Kass Thomas—The Ease and Amusement of Everything Kass Thomas embodies ease and amusement in a unique, inviting, and brilliant way!  Interact with Kass and you will be lighter, more joyful, and perceive a million more possibilities than you did before!  What if life could be infinitely more easeful?  And what if joy and humor could guide your day, your choices, your creations—and with those energies, you could out-create yourself all the time? Join Kass and Heather for a dynamic conversation that is sure to include lots of laughter and different ways of seeing, perceiving, and being in the world!  What if your joy is what the world is asking for? Kass Thomas is a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, 3 Day Body Class Facilitator, Coach, and Creator of Magnitude!  You can find out more about Kass at her web site: