Pod Fiction




Starting out by feeling sorry for our selves actually lead to the realization that attention is a drug and all we want is to be loved. We do. I mean us, the 2 of us. The guys with the ever changing opinions that sometimes articulate differently than we would like them to because we believe every body deserves equal rights regardless of how often we use words that we shouldn't and talk about people we know nothing about. Figured it would be best to get that out of the way now. Words have power because we give it to them. Yada yada yada. Distraction is not necessarily conspiracy. Mansplain tangent mansplain. Ben Shapiro is way out of his league when it comes to wet pussy's. Pussies? Please teach your kids not to share their cookies.  We thank you for listening.  If you cant spell out the words 'you' and 'are', fuck you.  Dumb by Design, bitch.