Integrated Health 4 You ~ Karen Claffey

IH4Y Radio Show – AstroPsychology; Vedic Astrology, Your Health, Your Destiny



Today's Show Topic: AstroPsychology; Vedic Astrology, Your Health, Your Destiny With guest Vitaly Padalets, Astrologer, Yoga Teacher, Tours for Harmony | Astrology, specifically Vedic astrology or Jyotish, is a great diagnostics tool which can give detailed insight about a person’s character and the destiny with which they have come into this life. An astrologer can also see what energies are influencing the current creation of a person's life and destiny. With this knowledge, the astrologer provides a sense of awareness of these influences as well as practical suggestions as to how to change the negative effects of past actions and put the consequences from positive decisions and actions to good use and service. An astrologer can provide informed guidance on many topics such as: Goal in life The subconscious programs, emotions, thoughts and actions that are holding you back from being happy, healthy, successful. Personal relationships, business relations and compatibility Where to live Ta