Integrated Health 4 You ~ Karen Claffey

IH4Y Radio Show – Manage Your Mood with Yoga (Yoga for Anxiety & Depression)



IH4Y Radio Show with host Karen Claffey and her guest Amy Weintraub Amy Weintraub, MFA, E-RYT 500, is the founding director of the LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute and has been a pioneer in the field of yoga and mental health for over 20 years. She is the author of Yoga for Depression (Broadway Books) and Yoga Skills for Therapists: Effective Practices for Mood Management (W.W. Norton, 2012). She offers professional trainings and workshops for mental health and yoga professionals and speaks at medical and psychological conferences internationally. She is involved in on-going research on the effects of Yoga on mood. Amy’s evidence-based LifeForce Yoga protocol is in use in health care settings worldwide and is featured on the award-winning CD and the DVD series LifeForce Yoga to Beat the Blues. She edits a newsletter that includes current research, news and media reviews on Yoga and mental health, archived on Amy’s recovery from depression began more than twenty years ago on her Yoga