Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker

How Do You Prove You’re You? ~ Alun & Tamara



Science says nothing is to be believed unless there is proof.  So where does that leave you? People will often make tremendous effort to ensure others have very specific points of view about them.  “You don’t think I’m smart?  I’ll show you how smart I am!”  “You think I’m selfish?  I’ll prove to you than I’m not!”  Ever have thoughts like that? It can be exhausting feeling like you have to constantly prove who you are, and who you’re not.  How much evidence do you need, and who are you proving it to anyway? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities, and discover if there just might be more space to be YOU if you gave up the need to prove who you are! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website: