Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker

What if nothing is impossible? – Special Guest Liam Phillips



Incurable, unchangeable, impossible… how many times have you had that said to you about something you were experiencing in your life? And how often have you bought that as so real and true for you that you then put all your energy and attention on fighting for and defending the limitations that creates? For many people it just doesn’t feel safe not buying into the limiting beliefs and creating their life in ways that many would consider “impossible”. They just want to fit in. And if that means living with a debilitating health issue, or staying in a job that doesn’t pay well or bring them joy, or enduring a relationship that is really unpleasant - then… so be it. Liam Phillips joins us this week for play and possibilities in the playground as we explore about what else is really is possible when you’re willing to choose beyond what you’ve bought as real and true. What have you decided is unchangeable, impossible, and incurable in your life? Would you like to join us and find out what else is possible? Cute, f