

Ever noticed how much judgment people have about Scrooge and how much they make him wrong? What if what Scrooge was choosing was what worked for him? Cause it did work for him…….until he decided to choose something else. How much do you refuse to choose for you in order to fit in and make other people happy? What if you were willing to receive the amount of judgment that Scrooge did? Indeed, what definition of being happy and a contribution are you using to limit just how much of a contribution you really can Be to the world? And what Scrooge-like qualities do you have that you’ve been locking away and denying that is actually creating more of a detriment to you AND the world than if you were to embrace them? Join Laura and Alun as they party on down with Scrooge and play with different points of view and perspectives in the playground of possibilities.  But don’t join this show if you want to have fun – because after all, Laura and Alun don’t ever have fun playing in the playground of possibilities! www.face