Luscious Leadership ~ With Danna Lewis

The Future is We ~ Danna Lewis



Luscious Leadership with Danna Lewis Radio Show In a world where people choose to lead with deeper presence, strategic awareness, courageous kindness and gratitude they are ultimately catalyzing the energetic shifts required for a different possibility between men and women. What are you willing to use your power and potency for? Let's talk.   "Would you like to be a part of the book journey and publishing? Get all the info here." ~ More About Luscious Leadership with Danna Lewis ~ Are you feeling fantastic or frustrated with your days? Are you living your life based on other people’s paths, projections or expectations? What if instead of showing up with a rebellion, resistance, reaction or ‘whatever’ attitude you could lead yourself lusciously with deeper presence, strategic awareness and courageous kindness to create your entire work-life spectrum as a space of possibility, achievement and fulfillment? Danna Lewis will provide you with the topics and framework to bring t