
Roundtables of August #4



Good Day everyone, so this week on S-4 is our last Round-table and then next week is our 24-hour marathon. What is a Round-table? Why I’m glad you asked, this is where the S-4 Team pulls in some other friends who bring in three questions to ask and we all discuss our answers. The questions are anything paranormal based from spirit and haunting s, UFO’s and Aliens, Bigfoot and other Cryptids and anything between.Then, next week we have our 24-hour Marathon, from 10PM PST August 29th to 10 PM the 30th we will have 8 specific topics we will break down and looking for specific guests to bring on to discuss those topics.Saturday the 29th10PM PST – 1AM Preston Dennett all things alien and UFO1AM-4AM Arnold Hamilton former WA State Park Ranger with Paranormal and Missing People in our State and National Parks4AM-7AM UFO Cults with the S-4 Team7AM-10AM Paranormal Mysteries of the Antarctic with the S-4 Team10AM-1PM Paranormal and the Military with various former Soldiers1PM – 4PM Dragons and Fey4PM – 7PM Cryptids wit