
Roundtables of August # 3



Good Evening everyone, so this week on S-4 is our 3rd of four Roundtables we are doing this month Sunday night 7PM PST. What is a Roundtable? Why I’m glad you asked, this is where the S-4 Team pulls in some other friends who bring in three questions to ask and we all discuss our answers. The questions are anything paranormal based from spirit and hauntings, UFO’s and Aliens, Bigfoot and other Cryptids and anything between.Then, the end of the month we have our 24-hour Marathon, from 10PM PST August 29th to 10 PM the 30th we will have 8 specific topics we will break down, and looking for specific guests to bring on to discuss those topics. Currently looking for someone to come on and talk Scottish Culture and Lore in the Paranormal, and looking for someone in Japan to come on and talk Japanese Culture and Lore in the Paranormal, interested? Contact me asap.S-4 Paranormal Radio Art ContestWe here at s-4 know that sometimes when dealing with the paranormal, what we experience cannot properly be put into words. S