Bragging On Jesus

Proverbs 28:3 RA Dont Be A Beating Rain



For more go to Proverbs 28:3 A poor man who oppresses the poor is a beating rain that leaves no food. So here is a verse which can also be translated a couple different ways. Listen to the audio for more on this. (out of space) If this is referring to a leader…. think of this: You know that a good rain is good for growing crops. If a leader as a beating rain… its’ a bad thing; he should be one who brings nourishment and things needed for prospering and growth to the poor and not be as one who takes advantage of them as easy prey. On the other hand, a poor man who oppresses the poor reminds me of the parable Jesus gave in Matthew 18. A servant owed the king 10,000 talents… that was a ton of money which he could not pay. The king ordered that his wife and children and all that he had be sold and applied to his debt. The servant begged the king for mercy and the king forgave him the debt in full. This was a poor man right? Here’s what he did next: Matthew 18:28 But when that same ser