
Debunking Common Nutrition Myths



In todays episode we dive into the background on what makes for evidence-based recommendations in nutrition and how nutrition myths can spread and how they fool us. We also get into: ~ How to decipher which myths are true or false? ~ Gluten: is gluten unhealthy? Should we all be avoiding it? ~ Organic foods and pesticides. Is organic really healthier? ~ Soy: Do soy products contain estrogen? Do they affect your hormone levels? Can soy be part of a healthy diet? ~ Juicing: Should we all be juicing? Why/ why not? ~ Do we need to detox? ~ Processed food: Is all processed food bad? Should we eat a diet that is 100% whole-foods? What is the definition of processed food? ~ Carbs: Do carbs really lead to weight gain? Do carbs lead to diabetes and other diseases? Should we be avoiding carbs? ~ Fresh vs. canned vs. frozen: Is fresh really better?