Austin Fire Show

#15 A Frank Discussion on Race + Blackness | Jordan Sterling, Cofounder AlibiX



Today, I’m sitting down with Jordan Sterling, entrepreneur, creative, and smartass. Let’s list some of what he does. VP of Sales at Data-infiniti, which is a data startup. Co-founder at Silicon Jungle, which is a startup studio. And most relevant to this conversation, co-founder of Alibi X, a platform to showcase the narrative of what it means to be a black millennial.We’re having an open and frank discussion about race, and asking some important questions -- what is his definition of blackness? How is he affected by pre-conceived ideas that others have about him because of the color of his skin? Do we talk about race enough? At the core of it all, is one idea - we must join the narrative of the part of the world we live in, so that others can look at us and say -- hey, that person looks like me. I can do the things they do. I can follow that career path. I can be who I want to be, shedding the ideas of others and myself about how I should act like.Check out some of Jordan’s stuff: www.alibix.coYou