Horse Wise

Feeling behind with your horse? Whatever you do, don’t try to catch up fast.



Many times, riders feel frustrated and behind schedule with their horse. It can be tempting to rush and try to catch up as fast as possible. But ironically this approach will have the opposite effect — and will create more setbacks. In this episode, I discuss why the hurry and catch up mentality works against both you and your horse. I also examine the classically negative (if unintentional) motivation behind this mindset— and how to ask yourself a key question to avoid this pitfall. The bottom line is that it isn’t about getting more things done with your horse (as fast as possible). Instead, it’s about how to get the right things done with your horse. The little things that help him become balanced, straight and supple —and that mean the most to the horse. Those are the things that we never “catch up” on — but instead are the focus of each ride, slowly and steadily building a consistency and compound effect over time. At Horse Wise, I teach people tools so that they can learn how to coach themselves and the