Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

“ The Consequences of Black Political Misadventures: Who Pays ?”



“ The Consequences of Black Political Misadventures: Who Pays ?”                       "Transforming Truth to Power, One Broadcast At a Time" Dr. James L. Taylor, Guest Host Dr. James Taylor is the Chair of the Department of Politics at the University of San Francisco and Faculty Coordinator of the African American Studies Program. He is a former President of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists (NCOBPS). Will we turn out to turn out Donald Trump and his transnational criminal regime in November? What are the impediments to ensuring that November 3rd will work for Black people? Do we understand the import of 4 more years for Trump and his war on American democracy?  ::: Janice will not be joining this broadcast. She is on suspension for violation of OCG policy. ::: Join on on Facebook  ::: Follow us on Twitter