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Ashleigh S. Chapman – Ending Human Trafficking in our Lifetime



Ashleigh S. Chapman is our guest today.  Ashleigh is a human rights lawyer and an expert on human trafficking. She’s been working hard for the past 20 years to protect the most vulnerable populations.  Among her many efforts… Ashleigh is the founder of Justice U™ which is an online learning platform that delivers training from some of the top experts in the anti-trafficking movement… and delivers it in a way that everyone to better understand the specific things they can do to help end human trafficking.  She’s working domestically and internationally.  For example, Ashleigh has helped the Senate of Mexico establish their first comprehensive legislation to combat human trafficking.  She is serving as an advisor to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee to create the “End Modern Slavery” Act.  Shes helping to establish the Freedom Council which is an assembly of business leaders and global companies dedicated to the cause of ending human trafficking.  And she’s led training in over 100 cities and in eight