Police Academy Podcast

Pervasive and Systemic Written on the Ceiling



George Floyd, Jacob Blake, and Kyle Rittenhouse, household names brought to us all by tragedy and technology. They evoke an emotional response from us all, but there is only one truth and our goal is to find it, and help you find it as well.  The greatest racial issue facing our country today is not pervasive systemic racism, it’s the pervasive and systemic attempt to create an impression about our society and country that is not true according to history and the overwhelming facts and evidence. If it were true, BLM would not need Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Micheal Brown, Alton Sterling, Jacob Blake… the list goes on, as examples that the police are systemically hunting down black Americans. If it were true, they would not have to lie. “Hands up don’t shoot” was proven to be a fabricated lie by members of the community in Ferguson by Obama’s DOJ yet it’s still on BLM’s website today. These are all justified and reasonable, although tragic actions by police officers ding their best to protect our society. Si