Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

The Story Behind the Music: WHY by Dolla Green



Have you ever wondered why something happened the way it happened? Why did my family member pass away? Why did that relationship end? Why did I grow up the way I did? Why did they let that happen to me? One of the things I love most is haring the story behind the art, the story behind the person, where are they from, how did they get there. and what's that song about? On this episode Ricky tells us about the lyrics to a single WHY. And if you’re anything like me, you’re going ti be surprised about the meaning. Hope you enjoy! Also, follow Dolla Green on Spotify, Facebook and Instagram. That’s how we can help people hear a positive message about addiction, recovery, mental health, and life challenges. Spotify Dolla Green Instagram @dollagreentv Facebook @dollagreentv