Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

The Current Theme in My Life: The challenging transition from acting like a boy to becoming a man... at 40 yrs old! EP 98



Have you ever felt like a kid in an adult's body?  In one way or another, I have felt that for years.  I chalked it up to being normal... who doesn't feel like a kid sometimes?  However, what I talk about in this episode is different.  Today, I cover the transition I've been in for the last year or so... moving from a childish and uncertain boy to fully embody my adulthood and manhood.  It sounds funny that I'm struggling with this stuff at 40 yrs old, however, up until recently, I didn't even know this was a thing.   Another way to put it is, going from being an amateur to a professional.  The book Turning Pro by Steven  Pressfield talks about a shift that happened for him in his thirties where he made the decision to quit being an amateur.  That meant, not hiding from what he's meant to do with his life, to quit quitting, quit acting immaturely, making excuses, and avoiding responsibility.  When someone "turns pro" they take care of business, they quit blaming others or their situation, failure doesn't stop