What I Watched: A Podcast

Episode 16 | "System Failure"



This week -- New cases of police brutality in GA and UT; Trump COVID-19 bombshell; the hypocrisy of Kamala Harris; the case for Medicare for All; congressional impasse on further COVID relief; economic strain on average Americans exacerbated by the pandemic. Sources: “CNN Exclusive interview with Sen. Kamala Harris (part 1)” — https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/cnn-exclusive-interview-with-sen-kamala-harris-part-1/vi-BB18KSIF “Woodward defends decision to withhold Trump’s virus comments” — https://apnews.com/99916044401d8f8e24eb7bedfec1d5d2 “Unsanitized: Trump’s Lies On COVID Were Pretty Transparent” — https://prospect.org/coronavirus/unsanitized-trump-lies-covid-pretty-transparent-woodward-book/ “Mother of autistic boy shot by police speaks out” — https://kutv.com/news/local/mother-of-child-shot-by-slcpd-officer-speaks-out-why-didnt-you-just-tackle-him “Police shoot 13-year-old boy with autism several times after mother calls for help” — https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/08/linden-camer