
Fall Disaster Preparedness Show



Good Evening folks, so S-4 Paranormal Radio will be doing our disaster preparedness show this week, the 13th 7PM. In light of all the fires on the West Coast burning countless acres and threatening and destroying homes, threats of civil unrest, and other issues we will be focusing on preparedness and things you can do to prepare your families. September is also FEMA’s Disaster Preparedness Month so it’s fitting. Make sure you tune in Sunday night.S-4 Paranormal Radio Art ContestWe here at s-4 know that sometimes when dealing with the paranormal, what we experience cannot properly be put into words. So, we are asking you the public to share with us your best paranormal artwork. Between August 1st and September 30th, we will be accepting your 2D artwork which we will then be featuring on Facebook, Twitter and on our webpage during the month of October. The Hosts of s-4 will then pick one to win an s-4 swag bag valued at $75.00. All 2D mediums accepted. Must be 18 to enter. All artwork must be PG. No nudity plea