

If you’re really serious about contracting and want to build a top brand there’s a good chance we help you, go to to schedule a private one-on-one call with Randall. You should know, this is not a sales call. We are serious about helping you build your construction business and this call is simply to determine if we can actually help you.Today we’re venturing into a touchy subject by asking you if your clients are always right? I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase (and maybe even said it) “The Customer Is Always Right”.Living by this rule can actually be very damaging to employee morale and your bottom line.So today we’re diving deeper into the subject using the 80/20 rule as a guide. Enjoy.Construction Business Links:Get A Free Behind The Scenes Demo Of The Scientific Remodeling SystemThe Construction Professionals ForumShow Links:Ultimate Construction Business Systems free downloadShow Notes:00:01:00: Today’s Topic: Is the customer alwa