Inside Independent Publishing (with Ibpa)

The Frankfurt Book Fair, why you should start planning NOW, with guest Terry Nathan of IBPA



Topics covered include:What is the Frankfurt Book Fair? 302,000 visitors!Does it make sense for a small indie press or author publisher to attend?How the fair has changed over the yearsWhat IBPA offers at FBF: display, introducing books to buyers, a wealth of contacts and experienceWhat publishers can do to get the most out of FBFTravel tips: start planning early!How does FBF compare to London Book Fair and other international book fairs?The indie book scene in EuropeLinks2019 Frankfurt Book Fair Report up for Frankfurt 2020 Book Fair main site of the Frankfurt Book Fair\_Book\_FairYear 2020 List of Book Fairs Around the World Nathan has held many positions at IBPA and is now the chief operations office