Inside Independent Publishing (with Ibpa)

The IP explosion: the expanding universe of subsidiary rights opportunities for indie publishers, with guest Ethan Ellenberg



Topics include:The big picture of IP for authors and publishers: the hub of a wheel with many spokesPublished authors are already part of an ecosystem and can create their own editions, audiobooks, and translationsYour first step: make sure the primary edition is launched successfully!The need for clear contracts to make sure you have all the rights you think you doHow the foreign rights market is changingHow audio books are becoming an entertainment medium, divorced from the original print bookFinding a good rights partner you can trustRoyalty Reminder: a new IP management toolLinksArticle: "Intellectual Property: The Big Picture for Authors" Reminder Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency Ellenberg opened his literary agency in late 1984 after holding jobs at both Bantam and Berkley/Jove. At Berkley/Jove he was manager of the Contracts Department. At Bantam he was Associa