Inside Independent Publishing (with Ibpa)

Websites for indie publishers: tips, cautions, and strategies, with guest John Burke of Pub Site



Topics include:should you use Wordpress? (hint: probably not, unless you’re good at fixing things)why every author needs a websitewhat is the purpose of your website?the importance of having a professional look to design and organizationhow much content? a lot is fine . . . but it needs to be well organized!provide a short bio and a long bio, a short book description and a long book description; let visitors to your site check out your content on the home page and then drill down using menus to discover morehow to use the website to drive sales: having great content is key to making people want to buy, so that is the first stepmost authors will choose to direct sales to online retailers, since handling your own sales can be complicated and time-consuming; plus, having a sales presence on Amazon can improve your rating and get reviews for your bookthe website should be about you, the author, to allow for it to expand if you publish more books in the futureavoid doing too much fancy stuff and using trendy effec