Inside Independent Publishing (with Ibpa)

Mission-driven publishing, the example of Patagonia Books, with guest Karla Olson



Topics include: A brief history of Patagonia Books How does Patagonia decide what books to publish: developed in-house or via submissions? The mission is important, but the book has to stand up as a book, offering quality and value to its readers How books can work effectively to extend the message and fulfill the mission A new mission statement: “We are in business to save the home planet” For mission publishing, success is not measured in sales alone or in recouping time spent in creating the book; success may instead come from generating awareness that produces donations and engagement in other areas IBPA affiliates: what do they do and whom are they for? Affiliates are not writing groups but help turn writers into publishers; they are “incubators” where members can gain confidence and learn industry standards More and more indie booksellers are working with local authors and publishers; what are some ways indie retailers and publishers can work together? Links Patagonia Books