Inside Independent Publishing (with Ibpa)

Working with Amazon, part 2: Terms of Service and getting reviews, with guest Ian Lamont



Part 2 of a wide-ranging interview with Ian Lamont of i30 Media about selling, promoting, and advertising your books on Amazon, plus tips for getting reviews and understanding Amazon’s Terms of Service. Highlights of part 2 include: Amazon Terms of Service Who matters more to Amazon, you the publisher or the customer? Three guesses! the “buy box” controversy how to avoid getting kicked off Amazon: understanding Terms of Service getting reviews and managing giveaways can anyone compete with Amazon? Ian Lamont’s blog is at Participants Ian Lamont is an award-winning technology journalist, author, and publisher, and the founder of i30 Media Corp. and IN 30 MINUTES Guides ( He is also a director and treasurer of the Independent Book Publishers Association, and serves on IBPA's Executive Committee. His books include Twitter In 30 Minutes and Lean Media: How to focus creativity, streamline production, and create media that audiences love. A graduate of Boston Universi