Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

With Sadness... EP 105



If you have not heard already, one of our community's biggest advocates, Dax Shepard, is starting over.  He relapsed on opiates after 16 years of sobriety.  There was a time in my life when I would get mad at people that went back out.  I thought it looked bad on our community when people relapsed, especially those that had a more public image.  I didn't realize it at the time but my anger was rooted in fear.  Fear for them, for me, and the fear that 12 step recovery may not work.  This relapse has hit me particularly hard.  I don't feel any anger, frustration, or disappointment... only sadness.  I've cried a number of times since I listened to Dax's coming clean episode, Day 7 - the Armchair Expert.  It just shines a spotlight on how easily we can slip, jump, or take a tumble off the wagon.   I've often fantasized about pulling everything down around me.  Starting all over.  The funny thing about starting over is, its an easy way out.  Quitting is easy, starting over is easy, new relationships are easy, new