Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Is Everything Spiritual? EP 103



I've been on a path of personal development for a very long time and my view of what I think I "know" changes... a lot!  Sometimes I'm seeking knowledge to be a better husband, father, and human and sometimes I'm searching for some sort of spiritual enlightenment.  Lately, I have been headed down this path of wanting to know more about the Bible.  Not that I want to become a Christian but because I want to know what this book is all about.  Who is this guy that so many people are convinced "rose from the dead" and is the "son of God"?  Is it real or a bunch of stories?  What's the difference between those that take the word literally and those that see it more as a metaphor?  Where in the book are the universal principals that mirror so many other religious and spiritual teachings? The talk around organized religion is so charged most of the time it makes it hard to talk about.  Growing up in Texas, I don't remember knowing anyone that didn't consider themselves at leas