Politically Re-active With W. Kamau Bell & Hari Kondabolu

David Daley on How Republicans Ratf**ked American Democracy



No really, that's what it's about.The year 2012 looked like the start of a promising era for Democrats. Obama had just won his second term as president, the Dems had taken a big majority in the Senate, and the party had earned 1.3 million more votes than the GOP. So how on earth did the House of Representatives stay in the hands of Republicans?? Former Salon editor-in-chief David Daley says it all comes down to one word: gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is the drawing of congressional boundaries such that the district demographic favors one party over another. And it’s bad for American democracy. Really bad. Just check out the title of Daley’s new book: Ratf**ked: The True Story Behind The Secret Plan to Steal America’s Democracy.Join Kamau and Hari on this fascinating and terrifying journey through gerrymandering, and find David Daley’s book Ratf**ked on Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/Ratf-ked-Behind-Americas-Democracy/dp/1631491628Got a minute? Come meet Kamau and Hari in person! Hari is promoting his new alb