Sacred Leadership with Sigrid Tasies

Spiritual Ego, Finding Your Own Sense Of Spirituality and Owning All Aspects Of Yourself



"We are spiritual beings having a human experience, therefore there is nothing we need to buy or learn or wear or say in order to “be spiritual”, because we already are.How we go about remembering and becoming familiar with our spiritual nature is a different story, and everyone has a different path."A lot of people stay away from spirituality because they don't resonate with the "woo woo" scene (02:56)Everyone's path to spirituality looks different, even though the Spiritual Ego may tells us something else (03:52)The most spiritual, enlightening and woke thing you can ever do...(06:12)The more we identify with things, the less space we have to grow and evolve and show up authentically in each moment. Here's what to do about it (08:13)My journey to accepting more aspects of myself when my ego judged me as "too free" when I worked in corporate, and "not conscious enough" or "too ambitious" when I started to hang around a spiritual community (10:02)The  divine recipe for the medicine that you're here to bring (