Sacred Leadership with Sigrid Tasies

THE MASCULINE: Finding Your True Power and Masculinity with Jeddy Azuma



"There’s a lot of guys out there (myself included) who have been or still are very uncomfortable with confrontation. But if you are not willing to stand up for something in your life, it takes away your ability to be of service in the highest capacity."How to be in your power while remaining humble (03:02)Anchoring in service and purpose + Jeddy's journey from lost boy to empowered man (04:35)Vision Quest and Right of Passage ceremonies - What are they and why are they so powerful? (06:48)Nobody teaches us to be adult men and women and yet we are expected to show up as such after we turn X age... But what does being "a man" means? (10:22)Most common misconceptions around MASCULINITY and how choose and REDEFINE what masculinity feels and looks like (11:08)Self-Responsibility and letting go of giving our power away (17:04)Common CHALLENGES man need to face when wanting to truly own their power (19:28)The power of men's circles and receiving support from other men (20:59)How to allow yourself to be VULNERABLE (a