Sacred Leadership with Sigrid Tasies

Are you saying YES to your mission or YES to your excuses?



"There's no achieving without becoming."The New Year hype (02:12)Most people don't follow through with their new year goals (02:41)I am -lovingly- calling you forward (03:06)Create a Powerful Action Plan (PAP) vs. a Weak Wish-List (04:20)Be realistic about what you want! (05:44)What happens when we break our word to ourselves (06:44)Are you willing to give it what it takes? Set yourself up for victory! (07:50)Are you being a stand for your excuses??? It is time to drop the self-sabotage and be a stand for your soul's mission (12:57)Story of how I made the impossible possible to be able to afford my first Yoga Teacher Training, years ago (16:30)Excuses may feel like the easy way out. But if you want to live an incredible life you must be willing to make incredible decisions (22:45)As leaders, it is our duty to commit to being bigger than our excuses (23:41)If you claim you want to play a big life, you get to make big choices (24:20)Are you willing to do what is required in order to fulfil your dreams? (25:03)D