Sacred Leadership with Sigrid Tasies

Living Life On Your Own Terms with Sunniva Holt



“Time is our greatest wealth”Sunniva’s story from living in an isolated part of New Zealand, being brought up home-schooled and in an extreme religious environment, to becoming a world leader (2:03)What igniting your inner fire can do for you and why is it so important (6:13)What builds powerful leadership (7:59)Three things that will support you in being present and showing up powerfully to all areas of your life (9:26)Motherhood is leadership and your children will learn from who you BE (11:31)How to find a good work and life balance to HAVE IT ALL (12:09)How to prioritise things in a way that helps you have the life and business you desire (14:09)Believing that you get to live life in your own terms and TALL POPPY SYNDROME (16:07)MINDSET is the thing that will change your business, not STRATEGY (19:29)Three top limiting beliefs that stop people in business from accessing the next level (20:32)Overcoming the “not enough” story to step into powerful leadership (22:39)Wealth consciousness - why being abundant