Africa Public Radio

Credentials Falsification Is Not Always Dismissible - Ivan Israelstam



Many employers failed to double check that the qualifications submitted by job candidates are genuine. The common law entitles employers to know all facts about a prospective employee that are relevant to a job application. That is, the employee is obliged to: •Divulge information relevant to the decision to appoint where it is clear that the employer requires such information •Answer certain questions truthfully •Desist from exaggerating job qualifications For example, where an employee applies for the job of a driver he/she would be required to divulge that he/she does not have a driver’s license. Generally, job applicants are required to answer relevant questions truthfully during the screening process. However, what is relevant is a matter for debate. For example, a job applicant may well be able to claim that she was not obliged to answer truthfully a question as to whether she was pregnant because this has nothing to do with her ability to do the work. He employer might then a Become a supporter of th