Throwing Light

Legit Weird: Free Psychic Readings



A couple of years ago, I became enchanted with the idea that I could have psychic gifts. I'm not 100% sure where the thought came from, but I started listening to a podcast called Psychic Teachers and I had a psychic aura reading from a friend and trained psychic. Sporadically, I offered what I called "intuitive readings" to my Instagram following, but I was a little to chicken to say the word "psychic."And then one day, on a total whim, I did. I jumped headfirst into psychic land—not on Instagram, on TikTok, where I had given myself the liberty of being a little more weird. The response was overwhelming—and amazing. It still scares me a little. I find myself thinking, "are therapists allowed to be psychics?" The answer, of course, is a resounding YES. One of the things that has been most encouraging is how many fellow social workers and therapist want to get  a reading!