Throwing Light

Prophets, Profits, Mama Bear Energy, and Jay-Z



Hello friend! Couple of things—First, I'm hosting a Giveaway throughout the month of June! Leave an honest review on Apple Podcasts (I say iTunes in the episode. Oops!) and you will be entered to win a Shalom Session, a full email Oracle/Tarot Card reading, and some other fun goods!Second, in the title of this episode, I named four things and then I forgot to talk about one of them! If you're reading this and you've listened to the podcast, email me and name the thing I forgot and I will give the first person to notice a free email reading as well!Lastly, this is a heavy episode. I hope it helps you as you are doing the work of figuring out how to be of service in the world using your unique gifts. So much love, friend.HONORABLE MENTIONS:Meditation for Dirty HandsRebekah Berndt's websiteAmanda Flaker's video for EmpathsCarolyn Elliott on InstagramThank you for listening! Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to