Throwing Light

Rebekah Berndt on Initiation



When the pandemic first began, Rebekah went Live on Facebook to talk about the concept of Initiation. I was, as many of us were, still falling into the deep well of uncertainty and I found the idea comforting and helpful. No matter where you find yourself today, I hope you will, too.Rebekah is a friend and psychic/spiritual colleague of mine. She hails from the same progressive Christian vein that I came up in and I so appreciate her smart and open-minded perspective. The conversation itself is raw and unedited. That part felt right, too, even though my unedited self tends to take a bit longer than the average person to get at the point I'm trying to make. ;) You can sign up for Rebekah's class here. We had our first Zoom call tonight and I am still buzzing from the conversation. HONORABLE MENTIONS:Psychic Mastery Course from Intuitive MindOf Water and Spirit by Malidoma SomeAmanda Garcia-Yates book, Initiated: Memoir of a WitchRebekah's Instagram and Facebook groupRebekah on MediumInitiation: School for Magi