Throwing Light

What You Believe, Part VIII: How To Co-Create With The Universe



Hello friend! I am so excited to share this episode with you. If you have been enjoying this series, I think you'll really dig the culmination of how to dig in and re-examine what you believe. Also, this is the last episode of season two! I'll be out for a couple of weeks while I have a bebe. After I learn to nurse again and get myself used to middle of the night diaper changes, I'll be back with all new content. HONORABLE MENTIONS: New tiers on Patreon Interview I did with Mama Honey on her podcast, Finding Mommy's Soft Voice EFT tutorial from Jessica Ortner Dr. Joe Dispenza's book, Becoming Supernatural TL episode with energy expanding meditation, What is Your Soul Purpose? (I couldn't find the original YT video where I got the inspiration for this meditation—but it's at least five years old, so it may have been taken down) Bruce Lipton's full lecture on the Biology of Belief My favorite past life regression meditation from Dr. Brian Weiss Thank you for listening! Throwing Light is for people who believe