Throwing Light

What You Believe, Part V: Survival Mode



I have long considered myself a nomad. In 15 years, I've lived in at least 15 homes. But something happened along the way. The more I moved, the harder it became. We're moving again in two weeks and I'm feeling it. And so I've had to a LOT of inner work lately to keep myself going. I know I'm not the only one who struggles with this from time to time. So I thought it'd be helpful for this series to talk about what survival mode looks like—and what you can do if you find yourself there. Question of the episode: What is blocking you from receiving? HONORABLE MENTIONS: Chani Nicholas is awesome Glow Mail (sign up for this if you don't want to miss info on the upcoming workshop on generational trauma Episode on the Upside of Stress Episode called Broke and Optimistic Thank you for listening! Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people