Throwing Light




I almost did not publish this episode. In fact, after I'd finished creating it, I was pretty certain I was not going to publish it. It felt awkward and raw and . . . maybe too vulnerable? But today, I was sorting through episodes—some written, some recorded, some still just scribbles in my journal—in an effort to decide which one to share next, I remembered this one existed. I listened to the unedited and realized . . . I think this is something that needs to be shared. It's perhaps a bit rougher than some of my other episodes. It's fittingly uncertain, even in cadence. But it speaks a truth that feels worth sharing. Whatever it is you're going through . . . there are gifts in the difficult parts, if only we are open to receiving them. HONORABLE MENTIONS The Instagram post that didn't start it all The episode where I shared my sobriety story The Broke and Optimistic episode (which I accidentally called Broke AF in this episode) Thank you for listening! Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restor