Anne Ribley: Remarkable Souls

What's Your Growing Edge?



“This is part of your growing edge”, she said. The words casually passed from a beloved friend to me for comfort and encouragement as I was navigating a new, life-stretching situation. The words began looping in mind like a song lyric on repeat. More and more, I found myself taking in the words with an affirming yes. “This is part of my growing edge.” I haven’t stopped reflecting on that statement since that day. And even better, I can see it everywhere bubbling to the surface. This growing edge doesn’t belong only to “them”, “him” and “her”. It belongs to all of us in some capacity in our own way. Now more than ever, each of us, are being invited to look deeper into the thresholds we need to cross individually and collectively. The powerful gift the growing edge offers is a shift of perception from a problem or crisis mode to a growing orientation. Years back, I had a dream that felt prophetic in nature toward my life. There was a massive ball of electrical wires and cords all twisted together and entangled