Shahzad Sheikh

Reuters Photo Journalist Jorge Ferrari: Caught escaping Kuwait & how Maradona saved him!



'Brown Car Guy & Buddies' - Jorge Ferrari is one of the leading photographers in the UAE, but he's been based in the region as far back at 1986 in Kuwait, where he found himself caught up in the invasion by Iraq. Ever the professional, his pictures were the first seen by the world from inside occupied Kuwait as he was shooting for Reuters.    He talks about how his big escape plan failed miserably and he was caught and saved, in a manner, only by Maradona.    He later moved to the UAE and went on to shoot motoring and motorsports, extreme sports and other events, meeting some of the biggest names in the sporting world along the way. I met him in Dubai in 2006, we became good friends and I worked regularly with him on car shoots and events.   Plus he gives some great advice and tips on how to be a great photographer.    Find him at   Please subscribe to my channel