Death Saving Bros - An Actual Play 5e Dungeons & Dragons Podcast

Ep. 43 - Gooch Gliezgorm, Pt. 1



When the devil went down to Georgia he was looking for a soul to steal. When the demon went south in Trugalla he just killed a bunch of goblins and kept roaring obnoxiously. Featuring special guest Gene Jackson II as Gooch Gliezgorm. Join Ambienitus and Brixeus Hammerbottom (Brad Richards and Ben Renfro), Jecht Liketheplane (Brad Renfro), Abraham Van Halen (Matt Smith), and Prothian Graymane (Eric Nemeth) as they continue their adventures in Ralvaria, led by Dungeon Master Paul Camper. Catch up on previous episodes at Follow us on Twitter and other social media @DeathSavingBros or visit our website. Shop for official Death Saving Bros merchandise on Redbubble to get t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, and more. The songs "Clash Defiant," "Dark Times," "Hitman," "Sneaky Snitch," "The Descent," "The Path of the Goblin King," "The Path of the Goblin King v.2," "Thinking Music," and "Wholesome" are by Kevin MacL