Marginal Gains Cycling Podcast, Presented By Silca

Ask Josh Anything #14



The Tour de France is underway, and we've got questions (and answers) about it. For example, do racers REALLY still ride with tires at 120psi as Phil Liggett suggested? (Hint: no.) Why are riders turning their hoods inward? Is tubeless on the verge of replacing tubular as the wheel setup of choice? We've also got a great crop of questions from our listeners, including:  What are the meaningful aero differences between solo and group riding? Is a wheel upgrade worth it when the primary difference is round vs aero spokes? What is the most efficient way to execute your bottom-of-segment turnaround in an Everesting attempt? Got a question you'd like to have answered? Give us a call or text us at 317-343-4506.