Verbal Diorama

The Princess Bride



This is it. The Princess Bride. As You Wish. Death cannot stop my true love for this movie. All it can do is delay it for 59 episodes.Verbal Diorama, inconceivably, goes downhill from here because there is no movie as perfect as one about fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love AND miracles...There's a shortage of perfect movies in the world. It would be a pity not to cover this one.From William Goldman's perfect novel, to the many attempts to get it made, to Rob Reiner's insistence it was the perfect movie for him, it truly is a tale of overcoming adversity, believing in yourself, fighting for want you want and, unironically, twue wuv!Because everyone involved loves this movie, and pretty much everyone who watches it loves it too. True love is real, and it's all for The Princess Bride. Life is pain (highness) right now in the world, but there's no to blave going on here, this movie will make you feel better. Have fun storming the castle!Don't rush me, sonny. You rush