Kelly's Talkshow

Famous people :Kim Kardashian 名人故事系列:金·卡戴珊



The first Kardashian to enter the public eye wasn't Kim Kardashian, but her father Robert Kardashadian who was O.J. Simpson's defense lawyer.最先进入公众视野的卡戴珊不是金卡戴珊,而是她的父亲Robert Kardashadian。他因为担任O.J.辛普森杀妻案的辩护律师而名声大噪。When the Kardashian girls entered the public eye in 2004, all they had going for them was a fading family name. 当卡戴珊几个女儿们04年开始出现在媒体上时,除了她们的姓氏,没有人知道她们是谁。Everything changed when the reality TV show, "Keeping up with the Kardashians" hit the airwaves in 2006. The larger than life personalities, family tension and showing the most intimate pieces of what goes on within a family was an immediate hit.一切都在06年卡戴珊家族真人秀播出后改变了。家族成员张扬的性格、家族矛盾、公开展示自己的私人生活,让这个节目一推出就大受关注。Say what you will about Kim Kardashian, but there's no denying the reality TV star is also a savvy businesswoman.不管你对金·卡戴珊有什么看法,不可否认的是这位真人秀明星也是一位机智的女商人。Kim also has a super successful video game app, which brought in $80 million in revenue in 2015.卡戴珊还拥有一个非常成功的游戏app。这款游戏在2015年获得了八千万美元的收益。She has numerous product endorsement deals, a selfie book, and