Kelly's Talkshow

Fad diets for weight loss 流行减肥饮食法



Hey, Mark. That looks good. What're you eating?嗨,Mark。这看起来不错。你在吃什么?Oh, it's a chicken salad. I'm on a diet.哦,这是鸡肉沙拉。我在节食。I hope it's not another low-carb, high-protein diet.我希望这不是另一种低碳水、高蛋白的减肥餐。Like the keto diet? No, I'm just trying to watch my waistline.像生酮饮食?不,我只是尝试注意自己的腰围。Good for you. I've tried so many diets, but it's really all about eating sensibly.那不错呦。我尝试过很多减肥餐,但是减肥实际上完全是关于如何合理饮食。Yes. I did a couple juice cleanses, but I actually got sick because of them.是的,我试过几次果汁排毒,但我居然因为这个生病了。Those diet fads are just about marketing, not about actual science.这些流行减肥饮食法都只是市场营销,不是真正的科学。Exactly. Our bodies can't survive without nutrients.的确如此。我们的身体没有营养就无法生存。Yes, so all they do is make a bunch of yo-yos that can't build lasting habits.是的,这些方法只会让人体重时常反复,并不能形成持久的习惯。For sure. There's no secret to good health. A balanced diet is the key.确实如此。保持健康没什么秘密。平衡饮食是关键。 Fad diets for weight loss  流行减肥饮食法 1. Atkins Diet阿特金斯饮食法The Atkins diet is the most famous low-carb weight loss diet in the world. It consists of four stages, inclu