Kelly's Talkshow

Famous people :J.K. Rowling 名人故事系列:J.K. 罗琳



I just watched an interview with J.K. Rowling and I have to say, I find her really inspiring.我刚看了一期关于J.K.罗琳的采访,不得不说,她真励志啊。I know! She's the epitome of a rags to riches success story. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for her as a single mother on welfare.我知道!她就是白手起家走向成功的典范。我能想象出她作为一个靠领取福利度日的单亲妈妈,当初有多难。Right! Did you know Harry Potter was shot down a dozen times? It wasn't until one of the publisher's daughters fell in love with the book that it was finally signed.是啊!你知道《哈利波特》曾数次被拒吗?直到有个出版商的女儿喜欢上《哈利·波特》,才得以签约出版。Crazy. But how did she come up with Harry Potter anyway?哇。但她是怎么想出《哈利·波特》的故事的?Apparently, it came to her on a delayed train to London. She drew on her own experiences with her mother's death to flesh out Harry's backstory.据说,是在去伦敦延误的列车上想出来的。她将母亲去世的经历也融进了书中,进一步充实成为《哈利·波特》的故事背景。How long did it take to complete?她写这本书用了多久呀?5 or 6 years for the first novel and 17 years in total. Since then, it's become a full-blown franchise with films, theme parks and a few spin-off books.第一部小说用了五六年,这一系列一共用了17年。此