Kelly's Talkshow

Stocking the fridge 冰箱补货



So, honey, what do we need to stock the fridge?亲爱的,我们冰箱里要储备什么吗?Let's start with the dairy section to get eggs, milk and yogurt.我们先去奶制品区买鸡蛋、牛奶和酸奶吧。Don't forget cheese and butter! We could also stop by the frozen foods section to get some frozen dumplings and frozen pizza.别忘了买奶酪和黄油!再顺便去下冷冻食品区,买些速冻饺子和速冻披萨。Yes, always handy to have those around. Also, I wouldn't mind getting a pack of beer.对,家里备着这些特别方便。不如也再买一些啤酒吧。Ok. Oh, there's a sale on chicken breasts, so let's stock up on those. 好吧。哦,鸡胸肉在打折,多买一些囤着吧。Good idea. And maybe some deli meats?好主意。要不再买些熟肉?Sure. That reminds me we also need some ketchup, mustard and mayo as well. Could you go get those?好。正好提醒我了,我们还需要买番茄酱、芥末酱和美乃滋。你能去拿些吗?You got it. Then we can pick up some bread on the way out.没问题。我们出去结账的时候再顺便买点面包吧。 Grammar | 语法点 Countable nouns for food and drinksMany food and drink nouns are uncountable, so the way to count them is to use the container that they are placed in, or say the part of the food that it grows on (e.g., head of lettuce). Here are some common c